Site changes

So I made some site “design” change (if you can call what I do “design”)…

They include:

1. Making the reading/content area white, instead of the #FFE4E4.
2. Made the side unused space #FFCCCC instead of white.
3. Made navigation links slightly smaller.
4. Made post titles a little smaller.
5. Put a line dividing the main content area and the sidebar.
6. Reduced space between the navigation bar and the start of the content.

I think I’m liking it better. The next upgrade I want to make soon is have a friend redraw the header. I have had a love/hate relationship with the logo/header. I like my style and what I was going for, but since I am no good at drawing, things aren’t straight, and my lack of Photoshop skills have made it so I can’t get the color quite right, and well, I’d like it nicer because I want this site to be a longterm thing. So, that’ll be done soon.

Anyway, there you go! This Sunday, I’m heading up to Lansing to record piano, sax, and guitar with Chris and Dan. I am hoping to get a LOT done that day so neither of those guys have to make the trek to Lansing again. Hope to have something new up here soon too. Later.


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