Hi again. See, I told you I’d be back. The 2011 Suburban Sprawl Music Holiday Compilation came out today, and this year I was involved in two of the songs on it.
First up was my solo song (the second to last song on Disc 1), “These People Aren’t Your Friends, Santa (Claus)”… the other one is by a new project I’m doing with my good friend Laura. Our band is called A Lady Never Tells, and this is our INTERNET DEBUT! Our song is the first one on Disc 2, “Greyhound Bus on Christmas Day”. It’s a sad slow song, and Laura sings beautifully on it. Mine’s more of a pop number in the vein of… well, in the vein of ME.
So go check those out! http://www.suburbansprawlmusic.com/xmas/
In other news, the next song I’m doing that actually has a deadline on it is a single for It Takes A Village To Make Records’ 3-Way Singles Club… which is a really cool project Peter Richards (he’s also the guy who did the layout on my How Does It Know? record) invited me to participate in. I believe I’ll be on the February volume. So I’ve got a couple months to do that.
In other unrelated news, I found out my company is closing within a month, so I will be unemployed. Which has kind of thrown my life into a bit of a weird state, as I’ve had my job almost 8 years. It was sort of a family, a small, hard-working DIY type of software development company. I am SO sad to see it go. It’s obviously been a giant part of my life. I worked there longer than I was married. I worked there longer than a LOT of things, in fact. So I’m also going to be working on my resume and trying to sell myself to Corporate America (or maybe I’ll find another tiny gem of a company out there that’ll have me so I can avoid suits and rat races — that would be ideal). Gonna be a busy month. But with no real WORK to do at work, I should be able to fit in that songwriting by the deadline. I hope!
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