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I JUST finished uploading all of my proper releases into Bandcamp. By “proper” releases, I mean the ones I ever made a physical object for, so Tenille, the Low Hello EP, and How Does It Know?. I am not sure still if I will put up the rest of the tracks from this site there, but if I do, I will likely just cram them all into one “release” called Part Time Songs or something. But anyway, take a look. I’ve put How Does It Know? up as a for-pay album, and the rest is free. I need to figure out how to link my actual merchandise (12″ 45 rpm record) with a purchase of the EP up there, but it seems straightforward.


We also put up the A Lady Never Tells Bandcamp page, too… which is here. We’ve got two songs up there so far, with more to come!


Upcoming Show, Aug 29th, 2010, E. Lansing, MI

YEAH… never mind this. We are NOT playing this show anymore. Personal issues (i.e. divorce) have taken precedence and I have no time to practice…

Come check us out! The record is still for sale too, so pick up a copy at the show!

Record Release Recap

my stuff on the merch table!

whole band onstage

I just wanted to do a brief recap of the fun times we had on our three show stint around Michigan… Thanks to everyone who came out to our shows at Berkley Front, Elbow Room and (Scene) Metrospace! They all went well and were well attended. We even sold some records! There are some photo sets and a video on the Part Time Songs Facebook page. Most of the photos were taken by my wife. Thanks Doreen!

Here’s a video of us playing “Making Predictions” taken at the Elbow Room show:

Thanks to John Krohn for making these shows happen in the first place, and then secondly, making sure the ones in places we didn’t know that many people were well attended! We played to appreciative crowds all around, and I’m very happy to have been part of such a thing. Thanks to Dan, Robb, Angela and Chris for being an excellent band and good company, and thanks to Husband and Wife for rocking out at each of the shows we played.

The record will, of course, continue to be available for purchase through Lower Peninsula Records… we MAY decide to do a couple shows here and there in the future, if we can get everyone together. We’d have to find another lead guitar player, as John lives far away from us and it’s hard to get practice time in with him. But he did say he’d set up shows for us if I wanted them, so it’s always an option.

For now, it’s back to normal life for a bit, wherein I am not entirely self-promotional all the time. I’ll keep you alerted as to any new developments. My laptop died, so I may be out of the home recording for a little while till I can get a new HD and reinstall Windows XP, but keep checking in!


Me and the band are doing three record release shows around the fine state of Michigan in support of my vinyl EP, “How Does It Know?” (which, if you haven’t yet, you can preorder here). We are really hoping they’ll be ready and in our hands by showtime.

Wed, 5/19/10
Berkley Front
Berkley, MI
with Husband & Wife and Lorem Ipsum

Fri, 5/21/10
Elbow Room
Ypsilanti, MI
with Husband & Wife, Lightning Love, and Computer Perfection

Sat, 5/22/10
Scene Metrospace
East Lansing, MI
with Husband & Wife, Curtis Eller, and The Jet Rodriguez

“How Does It Know?” PREORDERS!

Hey everyone! Finally the day has arrived… No, not the day when the record is actually physically available, but the next best thing — you can now preorder How Does It Know? from Lower Peninsula Records (scroll the bottom and look for the tiny robot!), and receive it in the mail when it comes out! We here at Part Time Songs, as well as those at Lower Peninsula Records would very much like it if you did that, in fact.

To help entice you, here’s a song from that very album…Download and listen at once!

     Making Predictions (MP3, 4.4 MB)

Mission accomplished?

On Sunday, I was in Lansing finishing up vocals and other embellishments on the EP I’ve been working on since 12/29/07 (and actually, earlier than that, because I had to write the songs and practice with the drummer before our first real recording session on that day).

At this point, it is sounding like I’m done with recording all the parts! Now (well, in a couple weeks, when John gets his new faster better computer) starts the mixing. I wanted to thank everyone who contributed parts to the songs, too. Everyone’s stuff is awesome and really complements my simple songs and makes them incredibly good!

Dan Bernard did drums and a bunch of great little guitar parts.
Chris Holt did organ, piano and some sweet sax parts.
Ian Graham played bass on half the songs.
John Krohn engineered and had some great ideas on changing parts, and played bass on half the songs.
And a mystery trumpet player added a trumpet part to a song when I wasn’t there. Thanks mystery guy! (I’ll definitely get your name for the liner credits).

Now to get some artwork for the cover. It’s looking likely that maybe 4 out of the 6 songs will be released as a 7″ record (only 4 due to length limitations of a 7″ record) on John’s vinyl label, Lower Peninsula Records… More on that later. One step at a time…

“How Does It Know?” recording, 2/8/09, Lansing

EDIT: ALL the photos (not just the ones below) are on the Facebook PTS page now, which is here.

Just a few photos to share from our day of recording in Lansing last Sunday. We were able to track Chris’ remaining parts (saxophone, piano, and organ) and Dan’s newer guitar parts, both of which came out great. Thanks John too, for working with me/us all day and letting me crash in the studio.

everyone round the organ
listening to Chris plink piano
krohn shows some deets on the organ to Chris
dan rockin the guit
chris on saxamaphone